Monday, March 25, 2013

Black Creek Nature Sanctuary

As the comments and reactions shared in class suggest, I am not alone with my mixed reception of our most recent presentation. After the presentation I was motivated to do my own research of local nature preservation/conservation efforts.

What I came across was a surprise. I found that an area I frequently explored as a child was actually a nature sanctuary created by, the Michigan Nature Association(MNA)

Most of my childhood was spent in, on and around the Lake, specifically Sedar Bay AND The Black Creek Nature Sanctuary Trail is basically right across the street!

Sedar Bay
Black Creek Nature Sanctuary

I don't know if I am just out of the loop, but I feel like maybe I should have known about this before now. Why are local nature conservancy efforts secrets?! Maybe this bothers me because I'm local and feel silly for not knowing, or maybe it's because I study communication, probably a combination...
There are all sorts of locations that are protected, I had no idea. This makes me wonder if these groups have awareness campaigns? Am I not a member of their target audience? Are they busy doing something else?
MNA Sanctuary Locations 

Directions to Black Creek Nature Sanctuary from Campus


  1. I definitely agree with you about being unaware of such conservation projects. I had no idea there was a group that was not run by nationwide organizations that were fighting for Michigan Land. I knew of large conservation groups of course, but I had no idea that local people were also fighting in such a large way to protect the Keweenaw.

  2. I also grew up in an area that I now know has nature reserves, but as a child I had no clue as to what was really going on around me. Communication with the local communities and advertisements in newspapers, flyers around town, and mailings could greatly help inform people about their recreation areas and who actually takes care of them. I think that if more people knew about how much it cost to keep a trail clean and orderly so that it can be safe and fun for the public, they would be more willing to donate to the cause. I wonder if there are discounts for advertising for non-profit organizations.
