Monday, April 1, 2013

Slums + Clean Water and Education

Mike Davis's book, Planet of Slums, is rightfully uncomfortable and depressing. Our class discussions inspired me to find some information about how people are working to solve problems, and not adding to the problem with their "solutions".

Two of the issues we identified in class of high priority are access to clean water and education particularly of women. This is not the first time I've heard that educating women greatly increases quality for all members of needy communities. Does anyone remember when Greg Mortenson came to campus? Educated women = higher quality of life in societies.

If the following efforts are not really providing solutions, they are making an effort to highlight and chronicle water and education issues world wide. This website provides all sorts of video clips highlighting case studies of education and water relations and issues from across the globe. I found them by searching for information about the slums of Delhi.

"Building on the Cousteau legacy of exploration and “experiential storytelling,” Blue Legacy expeditions generate excitement and understanding about critical water issues and deliver “conversation-shaping” short films, blogs, images, and interactive elements that allow traditional and online media outlets to more effectively engage their audiences and drive productive discussion around the interconnectivity of water issues through the lens of watershed-first thinking." - Blue Legacy
The links below will take you to their video clips from different themed water expeditions. 

Water is the source of all life, the essential molecule that flows through our veins and those of our planet—riivers, lakes, streams and oceans that make Earth appear like a “blue marble” from space. Everything around us depends on water, from the largest sea creatures to the tiniest single cell organisms. MORE

As communities grow and the global population continues to rise, our energy demands, and utilization of new generation sources, places increased strain on our water systems. From traditional fossil fuels and hydropower, to the cutting-edge developments in biofuels, water is a critical element of increasing generation capacity. MORE

Climate is a function of water. As the climate changes, so does the availability and access to water. Once water-rich areas are now dry, and once perennially frozen regions are melting to reveal new resources. All these developments pose significant threats to fragile ecosystems and levels of biodiversity worldwide. MORE

Whether growing food on land, or harvesting it from the sea, water is a key component of the process. Today, both agriculture and aquaculture have developed in scale and complexity as sophisticated technology has enabled growers to meet ever-rising food demands with higher yields and faster growing plants and animals. MORE

The rise of civilization has been intricately connected to the presence of clean, accessible water. Today, the relationship between communities and water is still evolving, and we continue to innovate to better conserve and manage the water around us. At the center of every community, is a source of water that everyone must share. MORE

While water is often used to draw borders, it is also a vital resource that can bring nations together. Given the increasing need for international solutions to address complex, cross-border water issues, Blue Legacy proposes a new paradigm for viewing the world—a watershed-first approach. MORE

The economy is driven by the production capacity of industry, which has always been dependent on water to prosper. From shipping canals to beverage products, water is both a product and a means for industrial development. Finding innovative ways to more effeciently and safely use water is essential for industry's long-term success.  MORE

Minerals are the fundamental building blocks of modern society. Yet, extracting these essential raw materials from the Earth’s crust can pose significant risks to the surrounding waterhsed. Consequently, it is vital that all stakeholders are given the opportunity to weigh-in on decisions involving mining development.  MORE

1 comment:

  1. I agree, education is needed to improve these problems. Like you hinted at educating women leads to the best form of population control as well because women begin to want more and to enjoy their life without a family right away because they understand the costs behind it. The same should apply with water. It is the woman's job in many of these countries to bring home the water from far distances and the women are also the ones who suffer from slums the most considering in many countries they have to use the bathroom at absurd hours.
